IT & Data Governance Offered by Intelice Solutions

After your company’s recent data integration efforts, more comments and questions about errors have come up. The areas affected most were your business intelligence, enterprise reporting, and analytics applications. Your internal team is frustrated and not able to locate where the errors originated, and you need answers.

The question our Intelice Solutions IT & Data Governance team would ask: “What is your organization’s well-defined standards and policies for governance procedures?” Your answer lets us know where to begin and how to guide you through our process. The upside, though, we will find and fix those technical issues and get you back on track.

IT & Data Governance

What is IT Governance?

Your IT governance is your organization’s formal technology structure, which guarantees your IT assets consistently support your business interests. Which means, authorized users, like Intelice Solutions, are permitted to perform specific duties on your infrastructure but prohibits other staff from performing the same tasks.

What is Data Governance?

Your data governance is the process of managing your data and guarantees the maintenance of high data quality. That data process from Intelice includes management of accessibility, usability, integrity, prohibits misuse, and your data’s security. Once we review your system, our team provides you with the next step in the governance process.

Does Your Organization’s
Data Need Governing?

The principle behind data governing is to keep every piece of your company’s information easy to access across all departments, well organized, and secure. For example, something as simple as entering customer names differently across multiple departments, i.e., Sales Dept. Smith, Tom; Logistics Dept. Smith, Thomas; Customer Service Dept. Thomas Smith.

That little oversight will complicate and compound your data integration efforts when your data is not governed. Those errors create data integrity issues. Without well-trained data governance personnel, like our Intelice team, you then experience data inconsistencies across your organization’s different systems. With each missed data error, integrity issues continue to grow unresolved.

Who’s Responsible For
Your Company’s Data Governance?

Intelice Solutions recommends having numerous personnel involved in your data governance process. Those individuals would include your business executives, your data management professionals, and your internal IT staffers.

At the top of your governance group, you want to have the Chief Data Officer. They have high-level responsibility for the program’s success or failure. Next, a Data governance manager and team get formed to lead and run the program. Then to make policy or standards decisions, a data governance committee or council is needed. And finally, Data Stewards for overseeing data sets to keep them in order.

What is the Benefit of
IT and Data Governance From
Intelice Solutions?

With your organization having Intelice Solutions as your governing group, you receive guidance and protection benefits for both IT and Data governance. You get well-defined standards and policies for governance procedures and a plan for implementing those procedures. We will also provide step-by-step best practices for monitoring your processes and enforcement of IT and data protection along with retention requirements.