Business Intelligence & IT Consulting Solutions

When you cannot make heads or tails of your company’s data or how it positions your organization in the marketplace, sorting it all out is almost impossible. If it has been suggested, but you have steered away from the complicated environment of Business Intelligence, that is understandable. Many decision-makers do. It is easier just to set it aside until later.

Instead of waiting, our Intelice Solutions BI consultants can quickly bring you up to speed. Your company’s raw data will show you in great detail where your business sits currently. There will be no guesswork or complicated tasks. The information uncovered will provide you clear insights regarding future organizational expansion.

Business Intelligence Consulting & Solutions

What is Business Intelligence?

Business Intelligence, also referred to as (BI), refers to the use of applications, practices, and technologies gathering together your organization’s information. All of your data is collected, integrated, analyzed, and stored. With your intelligence fully organized, your management team can quickly review it before making future business decisions and fiscal budgets.

What Does Business Intelligence Involve?

The term “Business Intelligence” covers the methods and processes of collecting, analyzing, and storing all your company’s data. Here are some of the basics our Intelice consults will go over with you.

  • Data mining
  • Querying
  • Reporting
  • Statistical analysis
  • Performance metrics
  • Data visualization
  • Performance benchmarking
  • Visual analysis
  • Descriptive analytics
  • Data preparation

When monitoring business trends, the above results will produce your organization’s online road map. Your management process gets improved, and decision making is concise. The results will be fiscal budgets strategically designed to reduce waste and improve overall company performance.

Business Intelligence

What Industries Does
Intelice Solutions Offer Business Intelligence?

As the marketplace continues to grow, companies from various industries have approached us about business intelligence. What they discovered helped them begin using the BI environment in their organization. Like them, you too have serious questions, and maybe it’s time to implement those methods and processes. Below, here are five different industry examples of how we assisted these organizations.

  1. Contractors – They use project and job costing systems and needed our analysis tool. Their pre-defined dashboard is now configured to help them analyze job performance and cost data.
  2. Not-for-Profits – We provided a pre-packaged analysis tool and pre-defined configured dashboard for their membership and fund accounting systems. With this update, they can analyze their membership records, program performance, and fund management performance.
  3. Consulting Firms – With their time and billing systems, we had to package a full-featured analysis tool. With their dashboard fully configured, they can analyze the utilization rate, realization rate, and project performance.
  4. Law Firms – For legal PM Systems, an analysis tool was created. With this tool and their pre-defined dashboard, it is configured to analyze their utilization rate, realization rate, and matter performance.
  5. Healthcare Providers – For healthcare practice management systems, we pre-packaged an analysis tool and configure their dashboard. Now they can quickly analyze their patient records based on procedure, doctor, location, and insurance provider.

What BI Platform Does Intelice Solutions Recommend For Your Organization?

Business Intelligence platforms have many options, and one size does not fit all. The platform we recommend for your business comes pre-designed to meet your needs. To get your business intelligence environment started, give us a call today! With Intelice Solutions, our unique blend of BI skills and consulting, you no longer need to wait.